wax notes

16mm film and digital projection. Olive Tjaden Gallery. Ithaca, NY.

16mm footage (west wall, frontal view) was shot on location at the Stewart Park Pavilion where the Wharton Studios, a once prolific silent film production house, occupied the space a century ago in Ithaca, NY.

Digitized 16mm film projection on west wall, Olive Tjaden Gallery. (sound score created by Colin Frank, post-exhibition)

i. 16mm scratch footage, north wall (left) : 16mm documentation of film burns, south wall (right) (0-0:54")

ii. 16mm scratch footage, north wall (left) : infinite 16mm film loop, north wall (0:54-2:22")

iii. installation still video : installation moving video (2:22-2:56")

The soundscape is a two-hour mix of a six-hour live performance that took place in the pavilion in collaboration with filmmaker Aaron Glasser, opera singer Emily Akpan, synthesizer musician Sergei Levitsky, dancers Leanna Myskiw and Elana Valastro. The performers improvised to the space, to film projected within that space, and to one another.

Installation view (left) : 18'x2' vertical light table on east wall, detail (right)

16mm film from the digitized film, projected on the west wall of the gallery space, is re-spliced and sandwiched between two plexiglass panels.